by Year 7/8 Hail

A Dark Forest

Year 7/8 HailNovember 16, 2016

By Nicholas

The dreadful desolation deserted of life; The loneliness is severe. All this scariness is finally not fair. The fear is starting to get to me. I cannot find a way out. I need to find a way out of here before I start to doubt.

Snap go the jet black twigs as I blindly run through the forest. I see something as dark as the void prowling in the unknown. I hardly scream which echoes in the darkness. The daunting void engulfing me as I foolishly fall. Dead still and quiet, like a dead body.

The frightening forest, I am the prey. A dark light in the woods, shining through the branches. Finally light, as I run out of the void, not quite free from the fear of the dark forest.

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