Bec O'Sullivan — Sep 11, 2019

As Board of Trustees Chair, it is my intention to provide a summary following our meetings to keep our school community informed.

I would like to commend staff, students and parents for all the work they have put in this term towards cultural performances (Fiefia night, Band Quest, Stars on Stage, Hui Ako festival and Polyfest). I would also like to acknowledge all staff and parents involved in our various sporting programmes and events this term, providing amazing opportunities for all of our students. 

Due for review at our September meeting is the following policies: 

For these we seek parent feedback, these are available to view on our school website policies page.

The BOT has received comprehensive progress reports on year 8 students achieving at the expected level in reading. These reports show a 15% increase in achievement in comparison to 2018. In maths, we set a 2yr target at the start of 2018 for a group of at-risk learners aiming for 60% to be working in Level 4 by the end of 2019. 42% of these students are already at the expected level, with the further acceleration of other students in the group we will see those numbers increase and hopefully meet our targets. Progress reported in writing shows that during their time at OIS, year 8 students have made significantly accelerated progress in writing. Whilst this is pleasing the overall level of achievement is not as high as we would like to see. Entry achievement levels for year 7 students are very broad with a significant number being very low. The school has programmes in place to address this and focus on accelerated learning.

Bec O’Sullivan (BOT chair)