Hero photograph
Photo by Debbie Halkett

Stars on Stage

Rebecca Meek —

This week we have called for interest for children who would like to be involved with stars on stage.

Children have been given a newsletter that outlines this event in more detail. This is an 8 minute production/dance that is a heap of fun and children get a lot of satisfaction out of being involved, however, it is hard work. The performance date is yet to be confirmed but will be on the 26, 27, 28 of August at the Regent Theatre in Dunedin. Tickets for the show will be on sale after 19 August. Tickets can be purchased from Dunedin Ticketek. We are aware that there is a netball camp running at the same time as our proposed practice time on a Friday. At this stage we are thinking that we will be changing our rehearsal time to a Friday at 11am - DURING school hours. This will make it more accessible for all students who want to be involved.