Hero photograph
Photo by Debbie Halkett

Principal's Message....

Rebecca Meek —

Our Purpose: To prepare students to be active participants who will contribute to their community.

Tēnā koutou katoa, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Bula vinaka

It is hard to believe that we are already a quarter of the way through the year, and finished a very busy term. It seems like yesterday we were waiting on the basketball court in anticipation for the year to start.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the students who have really stepped up with our IDEAL values. There has been a wonderful tone in the playground and classrooms this week and we encourage our students to  stand up for what is right, and show courage to do the right thing or to walk away. A shout out to our staff for their ongoing commitment to ensuring that Oamaru Intermediate is a place of positive, fun learning opportunities. Believe me when I say, they go above and beyond to ensure that we have a wide range of opportunities both cultural and sporting. To our whānau/families, thank you for your understanding, support and your ongoing commitment to seeing your child be the very best that they can be.

This term we were able to field touch teams so thankyou to all the coaches and parents who have stepped in and supported us when needed.  A special shout out to the teachers who supported touch teams especially Sharon Wilson and Zac Mitchell-Collie who ensured it all ran smoothly.

Students have enjoyed starting their second round of technology with some brilliant outcomes coming together.

Thank you to those of you who have completed our survey, we really value and appreciate your voice.

As we head into the holiday break it is a timely reminder to be aware of what your child is doing online. I am aware that a number of our students use Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and other social media platforms - a majority of these platforms have an age restriction of 13 and up. We as adults have a role to play in setting boundaries and educating our children when they are navigating the internet or a social media platform. It is up to us to protect our children and model appropriate use of social media and digital devices. Our children look to us for guidance.

If your child does have access to a social media platform, interact with others when gaming or go online, here are some key ideas that you might like to go over with them

  • Keep private information private, don’t give out passwords - even to your best friend.

  • Be respectful and expect respect. Respect for yourself and other people is important in all relationships, and it's no different when you're online - how we speak, and the words we use, should always be respectful.

  • If it is not something you would say face to face, then don’t be a keyboard warrior online. If you were to read your digital footprint what would it say about you?

  • Friends - know who you're ‘friending’ and talking to. Unfortunately, not everyone online is genuine and wants the best for your child.

Over the last two weeks, the teachers in charge of sports are starting to put teams together for basketball, netball and hockey. It is important to get in touch with us as soon as possible if your child missed out on signing up for a sport to ensure that they don’t miss out on having a spot on a team. If you require any information about sporting opportunities then please contact our sports coordinator Sharon Wilson sharonw@oamaruint.school.nz

I wish you all a safe and happy holiday, recharge, refresh and be ready for another term.

He waka eke noa - We are in this together

Rebecca Meek