Hero photograph
Photo by Debbie Halkett

Positive Behaviour for Learning School Wide - PB4LSW

Rebecca Meek —

Acting with Respect - It is a way of treating or thinking about other and ourselves. Often this is the area that many struggle in.

More and more teachers are finding that they're having to have conversations with students about how they talk, act and behave towards themselves and others - not only face to face, but online. 

How do we Act with Respect in our lives? 

  • Treat people with courtesy, politeness, and kindness.
  • Use kind words, complement others when they are achieving or doing the right thing.
  • Stand up for others and yourself. 
  • Encourage others to express opinions and ideas.
  • Listen to what others have to say before expressing your viewpoint. 

Learning with Purpose - Actively engaging and participating to achieve your goals and feel success. Success doesn’t always happen first time round and from our failures we can learn the most. Success looks different to each individual. 

How do you learn with purpose?

  • Learning with Purpose is about paying attention to a learning intention. Listening during a learning opportunity is important, not only for yourself but for others around you.
  • Learning with Purpose involves participating when appropriate, staying on task and seeing something to the end. 
  • Not giving up.