Hero photograph
Photo by Vic Rapson

Year 7 Technology

Vic Forrest —

Year 7 Technology starts next week. This year we intend to focus more heavily on the practical side of the Technology curriculum, which means it is essential that students are present for all four of their Technology days - if they miss a day, or even part of a day, it is difficult to catch up and may mean they are unable to complete outcomes.

How Technology works:   

  • Students will find out what Technology rotation they are in on their first day of Technology and will need to take with them their new A4 visual diary that is included on the stationery list.
  • Students will combine with two other classes and be split into five Technology rotations.  This year these are: Art and Design, Food, STEM, Digital Technology, and Hard Materials. 
  • Rotations last four days over two weeks and throughout the year students will rotate around each Technology area.  They will also have an extra rotation in Term 4!
  • Caregivers will receive a report, via email, about their application and progress two weeks after they have finished each Technology area.  

Reminder: For Health and Safety reasons, to enter the classroom students must have black leather school shoes that will protect their feet from heavy, sharp or hot objects. All students who have hair below their shoulders or hair that covers their face must also have it tied.

As a Technology team, we look forward to having the Year 7's in our class.