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Principal's message

Mary Healey —

As we move into level 2 there is a lot of information to be shared with you and your children so that you are all aware of what is required of you and the safety procedures in place to ensure that none of us at school are putting others at risk.

I have decided to take a measured approach which will look a little bit like level 2.5. There are some things we are allowed to do now, that I will be holding off on. This will be reviewed in 2 weeks time.

With 350 people returning to O.I.S. on Monday my priority is to establish routines and habits around hygiene and movement.

Everyone who is returning to school needs to comply with safety requirements set for O.I.S. and behave in socially responsible ways. This will mean complying with our hygiene systems, spacing and treating each other in respectful ways acknowledging that many of us feel quite differently about returning to school.

It is imperative that if your child is unwell they remain at home. Please contact the office (03) 4370822 or text cell: 0223275057 as usual if your child is absent.

Please be assured that school will be a safe place for your child. Staff are looking forward to reconnecting with everyone in person. Classroom teachers will be contacting their class directly. If you have any questions or we can help in anyway please contact me, principal@oamaruint.school.nz or your child's teacher.