Mary Healey — Jun 19, 2019

With only two weeks of the term left I would like to thank all staff for the extras they have done over and above their core jobs.

These include coaching/coordinating, netball, basketball, hockey, facilitating year 8 camp fundraising - lotto and cheese roll weekend, work with the choir, culture groups and drama, e-pro8 competition, trialing for sports exchanges, drumming, enviro-schools, Year 7 trip and sleepover and Student Led Conferences.

I am also grateful to the many parents who have supported these activities.

Uniform - All children need to be in full school uniform. This includes a polar fleece or jersey and black lace-up shoes. Everyone is expected to be outside at morning tea and lunchtime unless a prior arrangement has been made with the classroom teacher. Winter temperatures are setting in and wearing just a red t-shirt is not adequate.

Jackets may be worn outside but they are not worn inside or as a substitute for a polar fleece. If your child has lost theirs they need to check the lost property bin.

If there are issues around your child's uniform please send a note to me or contact the school office.

Farewell - At the end of term, we will be saying goodbye to Mr Botha as he heads to Masterton to take up a teaching position there and reunite with his family, some of whom have been there since January. 

His position has been advertised but as yet no appointment has been made.