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Oamaru Intermediate

O.I.S. Newsletter - 6 November, 2020


Whānau Survey

by Vic Rapson

Oamaru Intermediate school is part of the Waitaki Ara Kāhui Ako. This is a group of schools who work together to create pathways, increase engagement and raise achievement for students.

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The JR McKenzie Trust

by Debbie Halkett

This Trust offers support to parents of Year 6 and Year 8 pupils who foresee financial hardship in the purchasing of new uniform items as their child moves into Year 7 and Year 9 at High School.

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Looking for Lego

by Debbie Halkett

If you have Lego at home that is no longer being used, our Learning Centre would really appreciate using it. Feel free to call the office 03 4370822 if you would like us to collect it. Thanks!

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Drama Club

by Tom King

The Drama Club have been working seriously hard for their next upcoming performance. They have written their own script (with five acts or more) and have often self directed. They will be performing their production week five in assembly. Look forward to some fun, fantasy, mystery and mirth.

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WBHS Basketball Christmas Ham Fundraiser

by Sharon Wilson

Waitaki Boys High School are doing a Christmas Ham Fundraiser with local company Waitaki Bacon and Ham - locally grown! Orders and payment by 26 November with pick up 11 December.

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