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Oamaru Intermediate

O.I.S. Newsletter - 17 November, 2023

Absences - Can we ask if you are leaving a message on our school phone ie. student absence, that the message is clear and audible. Often parents leave a message that is very hard to understand.  All absences must be sent through to school by 9am. Many thanks!


Kia ora students, whanau and community

by Belinda Hirst

At the end of our year, we have two final assemblies that celebrate a number of our students. One is to celebrate diligent students and the other is our Prizegiving, which celebrates excellence. In preparing for these events and award ceremonies I thought it was important to make sure our students understand the importance of both of these values. Diligence and excellence are both admirable qualities, but they differ in their focus and application.

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Dates to remember

2023 O.I.S. Term 4 dates to remember

by Belinda Hirst

Here are some dates to remember of events happening throughout Term 4 at OIS.

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OIS Quiz Night - get your entry in!

by Vic Forrest

The PTA is holding a Quiz Night on Friday, December 1st, with the help of the OIS staff.

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School Uniform

by Administration

We have a number of students coming to school with incorrect uniforms. We do not want to see students arriving to school in their PE gear, inappropriate footwear, wearing jewellery, nail polish or hems down on kilts. Our school uniform fosters a sense of identity, belonging and pride in our pupils. Students are expected to have their PE gear at school each day but must come to school in their uniform. Please check your child’s uniform and make sure they're clean and tidy.

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"Toot for Tucker"

by Debbie Halkett

Monday 4 December from 6 pm. A Combined Lions Clubs of North Otago Project for Oamaru Food Bank. Listen for the "Tooting" in your street. Please give your donation of a non-perishable food item.

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