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Head Lice

Mrs S Porter, Assistant Principal —

We have been notified of a couple of cases of head lice in the junior school.

There is nothing to be ashamed of if your child has head lice, as we know lice prefer clean hair. The key is for everyone to be vigilant and help to rid these pests from our school community. If your child is complaining of an itchy scalp or you notice white specks in the hair that could be eggs, then we ask that you please check this out. If lice or eggs are found, we ask that you access and provide some treatment. We have our School Health Nurse here on Mondays at lunch-time in the Whaiora Room. This is a free service for any student. Some treatments options are outlined below from the Ministry of Health website.

Chemical treatments

  • Chemical treatments use a special shampoo or lotion that kills the head lice and the eggs. Follow the instructions that are supplied with the chemical treatments. These are available from pharmacies.
  • Always do a second treatment 7 to 10 days after the first. This is to kill any head lice that may have hatched after the first treatment.

Wet combing

  • Wet the hair and scalp with conditioner (this makes it easier to see the head lice).
  • Use a fine-toothed comb to check for head lice and eggs and to comb them out. It’s best to use a fine metal comb, or a special head lice comb you can get from a pharmacy.
  • Comb the full length of the hair, from the scalp to the ends. Work your way around the head so that you have combed all of the hair.
  • If you see any head lice or eggs, clean the comb by wiping it on a tissue or a paper towel, or rinse the comb before you use it again.
  • After you have combed all of the hair, rinse out the conditioner.
  • If you find lice or eggs, repeat these steps every day if you can manage it, but at least every 2 to 3 days. You can stop when you find no lice or eggs for 3 days in a row.
  • Check the hair of everyone in the house twice a week for the next 2 weeks to make sure everyone stays clear.