Mrs S. Porter, Assistant Principal — May 13, 2020

Finding the silver lining.

During stressful times it is easy to focus on all the negative or disappointing parts of an experience or situation. Our brain is naturally wired to notice threats in our environment. This is for our own safety and is referred to as “negativity bias”. The good news is we can actually train our brains to notice the good things or the positives in a situation. Identifying any silver linings or things you are grateful for can help reduce the impact of negativity bias. One simple activity is to write down three good things that have happened as a result of an experience or situation. Some people like to make this a daily activity and they finish their day identifying three positives. Showing gratitude towards others is also a great way to make you feel good, as well as those you have thanked. When we express gratitude or receive the same, our brain releases dopamine and serotonin. These are two important neurotransmitters responsible for our emotions, and they make us feel ‘good’. The wonderful “Thank You” video for staff that the prefects and students made and posted on the School-Wide Google Classroom, is an excellent example of gratitude in action. Staff certainly expressed a range of positive emotions after watching it! As we come out of lockdown and head back to school, it might be helpful to pause and reflect on three good things that have come out of this experience.