Ash Everett & Casey Halcrow — Feb 5, 2020

From wet tents, closed swimming pools, and paths turning into creeks, our camp was an interesting week that we've definitely learnt from.

Sleepy from the heat, we waited for Ms Ward to return from the DOC information centre. We all let out a groan as we received the anticipated news that we'd been waiting for. We were now onto plan B. No Routeburn. We drove for what seemed like ages in the stifling heat before setting up our tents at the amazing Moke Lake. We laughed as we watched our teachers comically jump over baby ducks waddling through our outdoor shelter that served as a makeshift kitchen. There was a beautiful view of the lake surrounded by Smaug the dragon appearing as the mountains, his vast wings surrounding the lake. It rained non-stop all night. The next morning after a walk that got us wet to the skin with no option of drying out, we made the decision to move to a campground in Roxburgh. Here there was a variety of farm animals that we could interact with, from a miniature pony and a hungry goat to four very loud lambs. We learned how to feed the lambs, they were very appreciative and cute with it.

We learned many helpful lessons throughout our week at camp, including that you learn the most when things don't go to plan. We also learned how to make the most out of a challenging situation. Highlights of the week included the low key walks, making and discovering bivvys amongst the Central Otago Rocks, swimming at Alexandra pool and for some a dip at Pinders Pond. The evening ABL activities also created some giggles and laughs.

A huge thank you to Ms Ward, Mr Durrant and Ms Davies who were able to effectively assess the situation before the weather turned to custard and for helping to keep us positive and make the most of the weeks experiences.