Mr Peter Hogan — Aug 31, 2015

August 2015

Dear students, parents and caregivers

August 2015 has been a busy month for both the school and board of trustees with the recent Educational Review Office (ERO) visit and the latest board meeting, both held in week five of term three.

Kelsey Mee kicked off the board meeting with an articulate presentation on Torque IP, an electronic energy monitoring system that helps reduce power use and generate savings for the school.

This was followed by the Physical Education triennial report by Marcelle Clements where she ran through some of the highlights including 2014 NCEA results equal to or above the national average and a busy Education outside the Classroom programme.

An update was provided on the Music Suite development which should be complete and ready for term four. This project has been a long time in the making and we look forward to a first class music teaching facility with hugely improved access to both the Siedeberg block and Visual Performing Arts area.

The board was treated to a presentation by our principal Linda Miller on her term two sabbatical and Global Leadership Programme, an exciting initiative designed to recognize the considerable achievement of Otago Girls’ High School students in relation to matters of global significance. Linda’s travels included Victoria University in Wellington and then onto America and Europe for an array of leadership meetings.

Board reports included the principal, staff representative, student representative, finance, sports council and PTSA. These all combine to provide a detailed snapshot of the current school performance and inform the board of upcoming activities.

On behalf of the board I would like to say a special thanks for all the hard work being carried out by our principal and staff ensuring our students achieve to their highest potential. We acknowledge the academic success of all our students to date throughout the year and wish them well for upcoming exams.

Please remember parents and caregivers are always welcome at board meetings with dates and times available at the office.

Peter Hogan

Otago Girls’ High School Board Chair 2015