Māori Strategic Plan

Mrs B Davidson, Principal —

Today we mark the launch of our Māori Strategic Plan and this is attached in this newsletter. The main points I wish to draw attention to are the series of commitments that we make as a school on the first page, parallelling the national objectives for education that come from Ka Hikitia, the Māori Education Strategy and its companion strategy Tau Mai Te Reo.

The commitments are grouped under the objectives for education: Learners at the centre, Barrier-free access, Quality teaching and Leadership, Future of learning and work and world class inclusive public education. The plan also outlines goals for 2022-24 including responding to aspirations for Māori learners within the context of their whānau, making sure Māori learners feel a sense of belonging and are free from racism, discrimation and stigma, ensuring staff are responsive to to Māori learners, acknowledging identity, language and culture and ensuring that Māori learners and their whānau have agency and authority over their education at OGHS.

Going forward the Strategic Plan becomes a living document and will be reported on and monitored both at Board level and at future Whānau Hui.