Hero photograph
Photo by Cheree Henderson

Principal's Report

Mrs B Davidson, Principal —

Kia ora koutou

I am writing this on Year 13 Geography Camp in Queenstown. It is amazing to see the return of the bustling tourist industry after two years of visiting a rather empty Queenstown and Arrowtown. Learning in the field is a powerful experience that students take with them for all of their life. Furthermore, the relationships that develop with both other students and teachers are long-lasting and develop social skills and friendships which also last beyond school.

Year 10 Camp is an important rite of passage in our school and is a wonderful opportunity for students to immerse themselves in nature, switch off from everyday life, challenge themselves and make new friendships. Keep an eye out for gear sales and get organised early. Items bought now will last students into their adult life. Comfortable walking shoes are the key to a successful and fun time on camp. As with all of our camps, financial hardship is no barrier to participation and students or parents can contact Ms Taylor the counsellor or their dean to arrange this.

This week we farewell our long-serving business manager, Elizabeth Macdonald, who is embarking on her well-deserved retirement. Elizabeth has lead the financial management of the school for 15 years and contributed much in the office and to property projects in the school. We thank her for her valuable service to our school and her management through recent challenging times through the pandemic.

We wish all students a safe and happy holiday and encourage them to rest, relax, exercise and study in equal measure, ready for the examinations ahead.

Ngā mihi nui

Bridget Davidson

Tumuaki ~ Principal