Hero photograph

Principal's Report

Mrs B Davidson, Principal —

The end of term is approaching and I hope you managed to enjoy some Matariki long weekend festivities. We can now look forward to lengthening daylight and the next term when we move into Springtime and celebrate our school value of Positivity. We are continuing to focus on school attendance and it is important that we look at each student and their attendance patterns both at school and at home, making strategies for increasing attendance where necessary. Teachers and the school pastoral team are able to work with you to do this and the upcoming Student Learning Conferences in August are a great place to have this conversation. Being in every class every day really matters in learning and in developing excellent work habits, routines and connections for wellbeing.

We welcome nominations for our School Board and the elections will take place on 7th September. We have an information evening coming up on Monday 4th July for anyone at all that is considering joining our School Board. You can also speak to any of our current Board members of myself if you have questions. In particular we are needing some legal and financial skills on our Board and will welcome Māori and Pasifika representation. See further information in this newsletter

We look forward to our very vibrant Senior Production at Otago Boys’ High School auditorium every evening 9-13th August at 7pm. Booking information is in this newsletter.

Assessment catch-up day happens on Monday 4th July and senior students are expected to catch up on the assessments they have missed due to Covid interruptions or other unforeseen circumstances. Students do not need to wear uniform on this day. Junior students should work from home on work provided in the Google Classroom on this day. If students under 14 years of age need to be supervised, the school library is available for this.

Please keep your child positive and focussed on their learning in this last week of term. Please also pay attention to your child’s uniform. In the colder weather students should wear a warm white underlayer that does not show under their shirt rather than hoodies, puffer jackets or other variations. The tie is an important part of the Winter school uniform and must be worn every day. Blazers also must be worn every day and a jersey or vest can be worn with these. The holidays are a good time to review and refresh the state of uniform items and the school can help with this.

Finally I would impress again that the school newsletter is the best communication between home and school and a one-stop shop for all current happenings and information. Look out for it in your email every Friday. It is important that your children see you taking an interest in their school and education. Enjoy it over a cup of your favourite tea on Friday afternoon when your child gets home. Community Consultation and whānau voice is becoming increasingly important and parent surveys and discussion will all come through the Nautilus News newsletter.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Ngā mihi nui

Bridget Davidson

Tumuaki ~ Principal