Hero photograph

On Screen Film Competition

Mr M Herrara, TIC MediaLab Filming Club —

The MediaLab Filming Club has worked throughout this year, exploring the craft of filmmaking in various formats, interviewing esteemed guests, capturing school events and producing a short film.

We are discovering that filming is a collaborative art. What makes it beautiful is that every little job is crucial, being a cog to push the whole process forward. ‘The Book’, our first short film, was written and produced in its entirety by our whānau of inspired storytellers, starring Paige Milburn as Olive, Declan Viljoen from King's High School as Adam and directed by Katherine McArthur.

‘The Book’ has been entered into two competitions, ARA School Shorts and the OnScreen Film Competition. We are also considering sending it to the New Zealand Youth Film Festival. Our work has been selected for the final round of both of these competitions. 

Katherine McArthur will be heading to Auckland on behalf of the Filming Club to attend the OnScreen National Final Awards on 27 October. Asya Ahmadasri, a crew member, has liaised with the Student Council and the Arts Council to obtain the funding to make the trip possible. We want to thank them all for supporting our journey. Further fundraising events will be on the rise, so keep an eye out for that and support the Film Club!

Finally, we want to invite everyone to our premiere in the VPA at 6pm on November 10th. So please come along to join us all in celebrating this fantastic event!