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Mental Health Awareness Week

Mrs S. Porter, Assistant Principal —

Mental Health Awareness Week runs from Monday 23 September through to the 29 September.

Mental Health Awareness Week runs from Monday 23  September through to the 29 September. The focus is on exploring experiences, actions, relationships and surroundings that make us feel good and uplift the wellbeing of others in our coummunity. The Wellbeing Prefects are planning school based activities for Thursday 26 September, which will also co-incide with "OGHS Spirit Week". There will be a free lunch-time BBQ and some giant sized board games to play outside.

 The Mental Health Foundation promotes Five Ways to Wellbeing:

 1. Connect with others

 2. Give - your time, words, presence

 3. Take Notice

 4. Keep Learning

5. Be Active

 Auckland University has added two more ways to wellbeing which are: Be careful with your money and Power Off Your Devices.When we are finding times tough there are a range of support networks and resources available. The Health Promotion Agency has summarised some of these in a publication called "Help for the Tough Times". The following are resources designed to help 12 to19 year olds with mental health issues.https://thelowdown.co.nz/
https://www.youthline.co.nz/ Free phone: 0800 376 633 Free text: 234https://www.sparx.org.nz/about Free phone: 0508 4 SPARXhttp://www.commonground.org.nz/
New website for 16 year olds and older: https://www.justathought.co.nz/Need to Talk Text to access on-line counselling: 1737 https://1737.org.nz/about/index.html