Hero photograph
Photo by Cheree Henderson

Careers Expo

Mrs R Bazsika, Careers Education Leader —

Thursday 2nd June.

The Dunedin Careers Expo offered Year 11 students an exciting range of possibilities for their futures.

From all over Aotearoa, different universities, polytechnics and other tertiary providers presented information on their programmes of learning. It certainly gave students a greater awareness of further study and training options both locally and nationwide. Along with the tertiary study offerings were a range of trades and apprenticeship organisations who gave students some hands-on practical activities, allowing a little more insight into the nature of their work.

It was wonderful to see students taking advantage of the interactive displays and trying out things like skydiving through virtual reality (School of Tourism) or taking on a challenge from one of the many trades being promoted. Many students found out about the offerings from the universities and polytechnics nationwide and this has led to some great discussions with our students in the Careers Department this week.

As always, the careers staff (Mrs Hill and myself) are more than happy to chat with students about their future goals, dreams and plans.