Hero photograph

Careers Department

Mrs R. Bazsika, Career Education Leader —

Last term was a very busy time in the Careers Department. A number of students attended some excellent Star Courses and gained valuable skills and credits.

These courses included: Fork Lift Driving, Barista, First Aid and Communication and Leadership skills. A very popular Star Course earning students 11 credits at Level 3 was Event Management where the participants got to plan an actual event and implement their plan. Brooke Miller also participated in an International Flight Attending taster course which she tells me was a great experience.


A successful scholarship candidate displays the following attributes.

They -

  • maintain a culture of academic and personal excellence

  • aim for merit or excellence endorsements in Year 11 and Year 12

  • take advantage of leadership opportunities

  • are a giver - volunteer, community service, acts of kindness

  • participate - take part in school performances and cultural activities

It was great to see a lot of our girls apply for Scholarships and we, along with other pastoral staff enjoyed working with many of them on their applications. We are blessed at Otago Girls’ to have such a high calibre of wonderful students. It has been exciting to hear the positive results of these scholarship applications as they come in.

Over the next four weeks we are working with individual students to assist them with future directions, ensuring that their subject choices are the right ones for them and looking at transition pathways into careers.

Our third staff member in the Careers Department is Bianca (pictured above), she presents different Career ideas to our students. So far this year we have had displays for Health, Physical Education and Agriculture. We are finding this an excellent way to share information with students on specific career pathways.