Ms L. Miller, Principal — Aug 23, 2019

The wonderful cultural diversity of our school has been showcased in two events this week.

On Wednesday evening Wairua Pūhou, our combined OGHS/OBHS Kapa Haka group, presented a full dress rehearsal of the performance they will give this weekend at Te Hautoka Kapa Haka Competition in Invercargill. This rehearsal was videoed professionally and we look forward to being able to share this with you all at a later date. Wairua Pūhou have worked tirelessly for months to prepare for the event this weekend and their commitment and hard work is to be commended. We wish them the best of luck for this competition where they will have the opportunity to qualify for the National Kapa Haka competition. The performance this weekend in Invercargill will be live streamed on Sunday at 11.20am at

Last night our Pasifika students organised and hosted the Teine O Le Afi showcase where the singing and dancing talents of our Pasifika students were on display. A group of Japanese international students from a mix of Dunedin schools also gave a lively and popular performance. Thank you to these girls, along with the Pasifika students from Queen's High School, and some students from Otago Boys’ who also supported our Pasifika students by performing. The support our Pasifika families and community gave this event was wonderful and it was a great opportunity for our Pasifika students to showcase their talents and leadership capabilities.

On Wednesday our Year 9 and 10 Students had the opportunity to begin exploring careers as part of their Social Studies Unit, “World of Work” with a Careers Expo held in the school hall. It was great to see students engaging with the exhibitors and having valuable conversations about future work or study in these organisations. This expo for our Junior students was a new initiative this year and one we hope to continue in the future.

Yesterday we held our Student Learning Conferences for students in years 10 to 13. Thank you to all parents and caregivers who supported their daughters by attending these conferences. They play an important role in helping your daughter to reflect on her achievement at school, her wellbeing and her plans for the future. It is important that the students do now follow through on advice given at the Conferences and that they remember that their mentor is there to support them in any way they can. If your daughter missed her conference please email her mentor to make another appointment.

While students in years 10 to 13 were taking part in learning conferences Year 9 students participated in a wellbeing programme that included sessions on Online Interactions, the importance of fitness, communication, and self awareness. I encourage you to talk with your daughter about the ideas and skills covered.