Hero photograph
Photo by Cheree Henderson

12 Geography ‘Plastics in our Beach Environment’ Field Trip

Ms T Munro, HOD Social Sciences —

12 Geography ventured out on Friday to investigate plastics in our local beach environments. The students collected primary data for their internal on ‘Plastics in our Ocean’. The research involves examining the difference between the amount and type of rubbish found in an open ocean beach environment and comparing it with the inner harbor beach environment.

It was a fantastic day out as we were able to visit four different locations, Blackhead Beach, Bayfield Inlet, Ravensbourne Beach and Aramoana Beach. At each location the students gathered all the rubbish within a set boundary and made observations about what might contribute to the rubbish - cultural and natural factors.

Back in the classroom the students will continue on with the research project by sorting and presenting the primary data. Then they will write up their findings and draw conclusions. The last part of the project is to evaluate the research process .