Mrs B Davidson, Deputy Principal — Mar 5, 2021

Otago Girls’ High School has long-established PB4L and Restorative Practice programmes in our school. Part of this is a zero tolerance for students treating others disrespectfully.

As part of our Wellbeing education we are re-booting our anti-bullying programme that was originally Sticks n Stones and will be keeping you up to date with a series of parent bulletins about what you can do to help us combat less than respectful behaviours - both in and out of school, and on and offline. We need to work together to achieve this. Things will of course go wrong from time to time and we need to join forces to progress a solution that supports all parties to move forward positively. The first bulletin is attached.

All students want to be successful. We want all students to have success. All students want to belong, feel safe and feel valued at school. We look forward to working with you to achieve this.