Maia Usherwood-Nosa, Public Relations Prefect — Apr 4, 2017

“No matter how brilliant your mind or strategy, if you're playing a solo game, you’ll always lose out to a team” -Reid Hoffman

Teamwork. Since day one we learn the importance of teamwork but until it is actually needed in a situation we don’t understand the significance of it. Throughout this term what really dawned on me was the need for teamwork in our wider school community. During this term our school has been involved in many different activities such as the school fair, sports week, Easter baskets, sports day, and swimming sports  just name a few. If these events were run by one single person alone I can easily say nothing would have succeeded in the way it did, therefore this brings us back to the root, which is teamwork.

Take the fair for example- with the wet and horrible weather we experienced it was easy to assume that the profit we would be making would be low. But due to our community pulling through and making the day possible regardless of the weather we made over $26,000 which was more than the last fair that we held. This honestly goes to show how if we all lend a helping hand we can produce products which we never thought were possible. The fact that even though the weather was awful, each and every one of us put aside our own needs and braved the cold in order to make the fair the success it was and that overall benefit is so much greater than any personal reward.

The annual Relay for Life is being held this weekend and with Year 13 having entered in three teams it was not easy to organise, but, with everyone involved pulling together in order to support this amazing charity I know I can say I have never felt more apart of a school ‘family’ before. Knowing that we are going to be raising money for something so close to many of our hearts makes walking for those 12 hours worth it. One of my best friends has an aunty who is battling cancer. Knowing that 60 girls from Year 13 alone are entering to help support women like this makes me realise that if we work together, put aside our own wants and give it all we’ve got- what is there to lose?