Ms L. Miller, Principal — Jul 23, 2020

Staff and students have been settling back into school this week. I have enjoyed visiting classrooms over the past few days and talking to students about their learning. Hearing about the learning from the students themselves is always a heartening experience and the wide range of self-selected topics and projects students were working on in their classes was very interesting. Their ability to articulate what they were doing and the things they were learning was most impressive.

Term Three is an important term for our learners. Senior subject teacher interviews are an opportunity for you to speak with your daughter’s subject teachers about her progress and how you can support her. These are coming up in Week Three and I encourage you to participate. Information about how to make bookings for these interviews is included in this newsletter. While these will be carried out online, you are welcome to contact the school office and make a time to come in if you would prefer to meet any teacher face to face.

Coming up next week is our annual Open Night. As mentioned previously we have three tours happening this year, beginning at 4pm, 5pm and 6pm. To allow teachers, students and cleaners time to prepare for the event we will be finishing the school day at 12.30pm and students will be free to go home at this time. Those helping out on the evening as guides, in curriculum areas or as performers, will know what times they are required.

Please encourage people you know with daughters looking at choosing their secondary school to come along. We are always excited to show off what we do as a school and the students and teachers who make it special.

Today I was interviewed by the Education Review Office about our response to Covid-19. It was interesting going back over the many changes we were required to make and the ways we worked to ensure students were not overly disadvantaged by the disruption. I am really proud of how our school community worked together over this time and at the ongoing work that is occurring to ensure students are able to achieve their goals for the year. Students in Years 10 to 13 will be able to review their progress at the Student Learning Conferences which will be coming up in Week 5. Information about these meetings will be coming out soon.

This is the first week of competition for many of our school winter sports teams. We are delighted to see so many students stepping up and taking part. If you would like your child to play a sport but are worried about the cost, please contact the school so we can provide support.