Mrs M Paterson, HOD Physical Education — Aug 25, 2022

Rapua te ara tika mōu ake - Seek the pathway that is right for you

As we move towards the second half of the year, junior students participate in a variety of sports during practical lessons to develop game sense and skill acquisition in throwing, catching and striking. It has been rewarding to see ākonga apply Tuakana-Teina by teaching and learning from each other in this unit.

As health educators, we feel a responsibility to support students in making healthy and informed decisions in life by providing learning opportunities that reflect their needs. The Year 9 ‘Identity’ unit explores factors that influence personal identity, including online safety, healthy relationships and consent. Year 10 builds on this with a specific focus on sexuality including understanding conception, contraception and the risks around alcohol consumption and decision making. Our Health lessons are centered around discussions, whereby students hear the diverse values, beliefs and perspectives of others, creating open minded and compassionate learners.

Year 11 Physical Education and Health students are wrapping up their Sports Science unit with exercise physiology in basketball, whilst 11 Physical Education students have completed their pre-assessment for Inline Skating and are learning about the technique and strategies required to complete bubbles, crossovers and jumps in their post skate assessment. This unit pushes students outside their comfort zone as it falls outside the realms of traditional sports that many of our students play, however the growth in skill development and confidence that occurs has made it a memorable practical experience for past students.

Year 12 Physical Education students are working through a training programme, using a range of methods and principles of training to improve their fitness for Handball. A recent boxing session put students through their paces, using interval training whilst also applying sports psychology such as self-talk and imagery to remember the correct order of punches for the set.

Outdoor Education students are preparing for overnight camps and look forward to sharing the highlights of their trips in the coming weeks.