Miss M. Young TIC Outward Bound — Jun 25, 2020

Sophia Niblock and Caitlin Harrex, both Year 12 students, are the recipients of the $3000 Otago Community Trust Outward Bound Scholarship. Caitlin will be participating on her 21 day adventure in January next year, and Sophia in April 2021.

The Outward Bound, Mind Body and Soul course aims to build skills and confidence for our students in their final year at school. During their 21 days at Outward Bound, participants will experience bush expeditions, water challenges, sea voyages and height activities in stunning environments around Anakiwa and the Malborough Sounds. On top of this, students will swim, get muddy, laugh, chill, explore, problem solve, and have an all-round epic time with 13 new friends and two OB instructors. All activities on the course are designed to build transferable skills, attitudes, independence, leadership qualities and self belief through new and exciting challenges.
Congratulations Caitlin and Sophia, you will have a fabulous experience.