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Physical Education and Health Department

Mrs M Paterson, HOD Physical Education and Health Dept. —

Term 1 is well underway in the Physical Education and Health department with students engaging in a variety of activities across the year levels.

Year 9 and 10 students have been exploring attitudes and values through different sport based contexts including netball, volleyball and Ki O rahi. We have been fortunate to have physical education students from the University of Otago support students in understanding the legend and tikanga behind the game.

Year 11 students are preparing for their interclass Tchoukball tournament in the last week of the term whilst employing relevant interpersonal skills to support their team and making connections about how these can affect self, others and society. It has been pleasing to see students develop knowledge of this popular scandanavian game and adapt their tactical skills along the way.

Year 12 and 13 students are working with primary schools as part of their leadership assessment, coaching the younger students. This opportunity prepares students for Year 13 where they are required to build on their leadership through demonstrating different styles and critically evaluating the most effective style for a given context. The connection with schools in our local community is rewarding on a number of levels. It has provided learning opportunities for students and provided insight into the power of the tuakana-teina approach to sharing knowledge. We look forward to maintaining strong connections with our feeder schools.

"I enjoyed leading younger kids and building relationships through teaching them. I found it interesting seeing how younger kids learn and work together when trying new activities. Through this experience I have gained knowledge on different leadership styles and how to use them in the best interest of the group you are leading" Jade Whitson

Outdoor Education classes are in full swing preparing for upcoming journeys as a chance to put the skills they have acquired throughout the term into action. Year 11 students will be climbing and belaying at Long Beach whilst Year 12 and 13 students will be navigating the trails through Central Otago this week as part of their mountain biking expedition. These are wonderful experiences beyond the classroom for students to not only apply knowledge of safety and risk management but to learn how to overcome challenges - a valuable tool for life.