Hero photograph
Photo by https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2015/03/18/13/04/bullying-679274_960_720.jpg


Ms R. Taigel, Deputy Principal —

If you’re experiencing online bullying and you need help you can use our online report form for assistance, contact your year level Dean, or call 0508 NETSAFE.

If you’re concerned about the immediate safety of you or someone else, call 111.

Helpful tips

  1. Don’t reply: Especially to messages from phone numbers or people you don’t know.

  2. Don’t attack the person back: Avoid giving the bully the satisfaction of a reaction by retaliating – especially if it’s in a public forum online.

  3. Have a conversation: If it’s safe to do so, try talking to the person privately in person about what they’ve said or done. Stay calm and let them how their actions have affected you.

  4. Cut off the person bullying you: Block their phone number, or block them on social media. You can also report their behaviour to the social media site.

  5. Talk to someone: Talking to friends, Whänau or someone else you trust (your mentor / teachers / counsellor / Dean) can help put things into perspective, make you feel better and help you cope with the situation.

Save messages and images: Take screenshots of the bullying in case you need evidence later. Find out how here.