Mrs M. Clements, HOD Physical Education — Nov 8, 2017

Congratulations to the following girls for displaying our school values.

Year 13 - Jasmine Douglas (13Dr): For demonstrating very good physical ability, positivity and motivation to do he best during the turbo touch unit

Year 12 - Hannah Moore (12Cl): For demonstrating in-depth knowledge of risk management strategies used during the overnight duo during camp at Moke Lake.

Year 11 -  Natsumi Aoki-McLean (11Ch): For consistently being fully engaged in all activities for the whole year and for your support and encouragement to others in this class.

Year 10 -  Sylvie Brosnahan (10Rs): For demonstrating wonderful snorkelling skills and having a positive attitude during each of the pool sessions.

Year 9 - Ella Gomez (9Jsd): For excellent dodging, throwing, aiming and saving team members during the dodgeball unit.

Year 11 - Outdoor Education: Aaliyah Cumming (11Mky): For demonstrating very good ability in the kayaking unit and final assessment in the Harbour.