Ms A. Brown, Business Studies — Mar 26, 2019

This year Blackcurrant Crunch won a gold medal at the Outstanding Food Producer Awards, Dairy section.

Congratulations to Spoon Me directors Hanna Wrigley, Paris Rolton, Emily Williams-Davies and Emily Henderson.

Spoon Me are a business group of Year 13 students. Last year Spoon Me developed an ice cream flavour and collaborated with boutique ice cream makers Wooden Spoon Freezery to develop this product. Profits were nominated to go to KiwiHarvest, a non-profit organisation whose aim is to reduce the waste of perfectly good food from supermarkets and other businesses by redirecting it to other organisations who can use it. Last year the ice cream was available in only a couple of stores but Blackcurrant Crunch will now be available nationwide so look for it at your local supermarket.