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Subject Selection


Mrs R. Bazsika, Career Education Leader —

Over the next two weeks all students will attend special subject selection assemblies and receive information to support them to make appropriate decisions about subjects to study in 2018.

Subject Information

All subject information is available in the subject selection booklet which will be emailed to students and their caregivers. This information is also on our OGHS careers website. Along with the subject selection booklet, students will be given a discussion sheet to help them with their decision making. Please take some time to chat with you daughter about the subjects she is considering for next year. Your input and experience is very valuable! Subject selection will also be discussed during the Student Learning Conferences on Thursday 24 August. Your daughter will need to bring her subject selection sheet to this conference.

What subjects should I take?

It is very important that students choose subjects from a broad range of learning areas so that their opportunities for further study, apprenticeships or work remain open to them. If your daughter is confident of her future career or study pathway, it is a good idea to check out the requirements and prerequisites for this type of work or study. A very good website to explore career opportunities and subjects required for these careers is: www.careers.govt.nz


What is NCEA?

What is Literacy and Numeracy?

What is University Entrance?

The OGHS Careers Website will also help answer these questions.

Important Dates

Thursday 24 August - Student Learning Conferences

Monday 28 August - Subject Selection Evening

Tuesday 29 August - Edge Portal Open for students to make formal selection of subjects

Thursday 31 August - HOD’s available at lunchtime to assist students with subject selection

Monday 4 September - Edge Portal Closed for subject selections

If you have a question about a particular subject, in the first instance please contact the Head of the Department.

The Careers Department are also happy to assist you. If you need help, please contact Robyn Bazsika on bzk@otagogirls.school.nz.