Mrs B. Davidson, Assistant Principal — May 2, 2019

Parent Interviews with your daughter’s teachers take place on Thursday 30 May (A-L surnames) and Tuesday 4 June (M-Z surnames) from 3.30 to 6.30pm.

These are the main subject-based parent interviews for the year. If you are unable to attend at these times but wish to discuss your daughter’s progress, please contact your daughter’s teachers by email to arrange an alternative time.

Parent Interviews can be booked online at

The event code is: kh6j9

Bookings will open at 3.30pm on Monday 6 May and close at 7am on the interview day. Please telephone the school office on 474 0496 if you wish to make your bookings directly.

Home-school partnerships ensure the best outcomes for your daughter and this is a great opportunity to meet your child’s teachers and discuss their progress, attitude to study and next steps. Please feel very welcome.