Hero photograph
Linda Miller

Principal's Report

Ms L Miller, Principal —

Last night we farewelled some of our former refugee students who are graduating at the end of this year. This is the first group of former refugees who have gone through the entire school, starting in 2017 in Year 9. It is so humbling to consider how far they and their families have come since arriving in Dunedin at the end of 2016. From knowing virtually no English and having to get to grips with a completely different culture and climate, these students are now confident and accomplished young women who are about to begin their tertiary studies at Otago University. I would like to acknowledge the work of Mrs Katherine Boomer, who has encouraged and nurtured these students over the past five years, and our teachers, who have supported these students in their learning despite the barriers of language. Catering for these students has been an enormous learning curve for all and I would like to acknowledge also the role of Madiha Farid, who has been the co-ordinator of the Ministry of Education funded Refugee Cluster. Her input and support has been outstanding.

We also farewelled 13 international students on Monday night. They too have achieved amazing things during their time here. There have been many challenges for them, not least of which has been the impact of Covid-19 and the fact they have been unable to return home for the past two years. At our ceremony we thanked the host families for all of their support to these students during what has been a difficult time for them and their families. Two of the girls have had to return home to sit university entrance exams before the end of the year, meaning they will not be present at Prize Giving, which is a real shame. Normally they would have been able to return for the end of year celebrations but border restrictions make this impossible.

Ceremonies for the awarding of Sports, Cultural and Scholar Blues and Awards to seniors occurred at the beginning of this week. Congratulations to all recipients, and a big thank you to all involved in supporting the sporting, cultural and academic pursuits of our students. Videos of these events and Celebration are available for viewing through the Google Classroom.

Next Friday we will be holding our Senior Prizegiving in the school hall. Due to Covid-19 restrictions we are unable to invite parents to attend. This, and the Junior Prize-Giving, which is to be held on December 8 at 12.30pm (please note the change of date), will be recorded, with the video made available for viewing. The reasons for not live streaming include issues around privacy, sound and visual quality, copyright and cost.

Next week is also the final week for all senior students. Examination admission slips were handed out today. On Monday there is an assembly for these students at which important information about NCEA examination protocols will be covered. These are different this year due to Covid related requirements so it is important all students in Years 11 to 13 attend.

Year 11 to 13 students will be on study leave from Thursday 18 November. They will be required to return for senior prizegiving in the school hall on Friday 19 November. Students should be seated by 1.15pm. Dress code is winter uniform.

Senior students are welcome to use the school library for silent study during examination leave and many will attend tutorials. Mufti may be worn at these times but uniform is required for sitting NCEA examinations. Some students will be invited to come in for our annual ‘boot camp’ over this time. This is an opportunity for students requiring further support or additional standards to receive 1:1 or small group tutoring.

As I write this report our Junior Production students are in rehearsals for our production which will be held next week. Again, Covid means that we can only have a limited audience, with strict protocols in place. If your child is involved you should have received information about booking a seat. The show is called “The Hunt for the Chambered Nautilus” and is a humorous romp through aspects of the history of the school. I am looking forward to seeing it on stage.