Jane Smallfield — Sep 24, 2021

Tena koutou

Congratulations to all of our Senior students who have undertaken their parallel examinations this week, showing real focus and commitment to these. The exams have run in a slightly reduced fashion and students have taken them in their stride, accumulating good evidence towards their standards.

We are very sad that our 150th Jubilee Celebrations are unable to take place but look forward to celebrating within our classes and school community on 22nd October. We also look forward to the launch of Jane Smallfield’s pictorial history of the school at this time and the unveiling of the 150th school sculpture. The tireless work of the 150th committee and prefects is very gratefully acknowledged.

Vaccinations are now open for all secondary students on a walk-in basis at any vaccination centre. Sufficient vaccination rates are a factor in moving forward in alert levels and proceeding with large school activities nationally.

We have noticed some unsettled behaviours in returning from lockdown this time so please take time to reset school behaviour and uniform expectations with your child. It is natural that there is some transition needed - and we need the focus to be back onto learning and routines. A reminder to get summer uniforms ready for the start of Term Four.

Thanks to the amazing commitment of staff at this time, including teacher aides, cleaning, office and support staff. It has been a big collaborative effort to get back to school, into exams and onto learning again. Please enjoy some sunshine and fine Spring weather today.

Ngā mihi

Bridget Davidson

Acting Principal