Ms L Miller, Principal — Feb 25, 2021

Last night we held our second Board Meeting for the year. The OGHS Charter for 2021 was adopted, plans for Learning Support modifications to our buildings were approved, and we had presentations from the International Department and the Visual and Performing Arts Department.

Our strategic goals remain the same as last year:

  1. All ākonga are aware of and proactive in managing their own wellbeing.

  2. Ākonga are empowered through educational opportunities that are inspiring, authentic, and responsive to their needs now and in the future.

  3. Student success and belonging is enhanced by learning environments that reflect and celebrate their diversity, while recognising the unique place of Māori in Aotearoa New Zealand.

  4. Positive Behaviour for Learning and Restorative Practice frameworks are embedded, creating and sustaining effective learning environments that maximise student achievement.

Particular areas of focus within these goals include the incorporation of solution focussed approaches and the development of local curriculum that caters for the needs of all students.

All departments in the school report to the Board on a regular basis and it is always a highlight to see and hear about the opportunities and achievements of the students, as well as allowing Heads of Department and Teachers in Charge to outline any additional support required to address barriers to learning or enhance programmes for their students. Last night Hermione Hai, our 2021 International Prefect, spoke to the Board about her journey to New Zealand and OGHS and her experiences along the way - firstly living with her mother here in Dunedin, and later in a homestay. Hermione also outlined her aims for the year in regard to her role as international prefect. Mrs Katherine Boomer, the Dean of International Students outlined the challenges posed by the Covid-19 environment for the department and highlighted the outstanding achievements of our international students in NCEA last year.

The Head of the Visual and Performing Arts Department, Mr Eugene Shields, presented samples of student work from the areas of Dance, Drama, Music and Visual Art. The quality and variety of performances was outstanding and truly reflect what we are aiming to achieve with our second strategic goal.

It was great to see such a good turnout of parents for the Year 9 meet the teacher evening and the Year 11 NCEA evening which were held earlier this week. Next week all Year 9 students will be off to camp at Tirohanga and I am looking forward to visiting some of them out there on Tuesday. As discussed on Monday evening, this is a great opportunity for students to build relationships within their Whanau Class and to challenge themselves to move outside their comfort zone. A reminder that there is financial support available if required and any such requests are treated confidentially. If you need support please contact your child’s Dean, Whanau Teacher or the school office.