Eliza Booth 13Dk — Feb 24, 2016

Ours corridors and grounds contain many stories and events we would love to share. Small events and tiny victories should be viewed as greatly as those large events that we all know and hear about.

Hi, my name is Eliza Booth and I am currenting a Year 13 student and I have been selected as your OGHS Public Relations Prefect. This is a new prefect role to the school, and along with Mrs Smallfield, I am drawing up a job description to cover various public relations duties for me to carry out during the year. In each newsletter I will write a wee something about what has been happening in the school from my perspective - one of the students. In the next issue of Nautilus News I will give you the Peer Support Leaders view on their time at camp with the Year 9 students.

Many of our students are modest - they achieve great things and often we never hear about them. They might share successes with their friends but no one else. I hope to be able to bring you news of more of these successes.

My focus will be on mainly on events which don’t usually make the school newsletter or Facebook page or they will take a different perspective.I look forward to sharing with you all the events in and out of the school that we are involved in.

Over and out.

Eliza Booth