Hero photograph
Eliza Booth - Public Relations Prefect

A Student’s Perspective

Eliza Booth, Public Relations Prefect —

Hello term four. Gosh, where has the year gone? Are you sure we’re not just starting term two or three? As a Year 13 student the year has certainly flown by, but I’m sure other girls in other year levels will be feeling the shock as well.

This term  consists of only four weeks for us seniors before our exam leave starts. However, without a doubt I know it is going to be a busy four weeks. For you juniors, you’ve got to stick it out for nine weeks. Term four is filled with excitement though so it will speed past for you, just like the rest of the year has.

Our annual Celebration service is coming up, which gives us all something to look forward to. Our stress gets relieved when, as a whole school, we practise singing the songs we will sing throughout the service. It never fails to bring you to a smile; whether it’s from cringing at the whole school singing a high pitched note for the first time or whether it’s from having a little dance with your friend. One way or another a smile creeps onto your face. This year’s celebration service is going to be at Knox Church on the 25 October, right after Labour Day. I encourage you all to come along and experience a smile creep onto your face as well.

This term we also have Cultural Awards coming up on 18 October. Here many awards will be presented to our many of our performing art students. All will be recognised, from the artists, to the dancers, musicians, and to the cultural performing groups. The highlight of the night will be when our prestigious blues awards will be presented to our excelling students in their respected area. This shall be another night to look forward to.

Following all the fun will be final exams. Unfortunately this is something we can’t avoid. So knuckle down girls, study hard and I’m sure you will all do brilliantly. Seniors will have their final NCEA exams and juniors will sit their own junior exams.

To conclude let’s enjoy this term and not let the pressure of exams drown us. However there’s one thing you can stress about…the fun but harmless Year 13 prank! It will be coming your way soon and you won’t see it coming. Watch out for those white stripes.

There is plenty of exciting times to come this term, so let’s enjoy them. Why not make the most of what we have left of a quickly evaporating 2016.

Over and out,
