Ms K Dick, Deputy Principal — Aug 19, 2022

As the senior school approaches their final months of learning and as we look ahead to parallel examinations in September, it is important to be mindful of the changes that acknowledge the year we have had.

Last week the Associate Minister of Education announced changes to NCEA that recognise the impact student and teacher absences due to COVID-19 and other winter illnesses have had on teaching, learning and assessment this year.

In 2022, students will be entitled to 1 Learning Recognition Credit (LRC) for every 5 credits
earned through assessment, up to a maximum of:
NCEA Level Maximum LRCs
1 10
2 8
3 8
To receive a Certificate Endorsement, students will need 46 credits at Merit or Excellence level, instead of the usual 50.
To be awarded University Entrance, students will need 14 credits in each of two UE Approved Subjects, and 12 credits in a third UE Approved Subject (they will also need to attain NCEA
Level 3 and meet the regular literacy and numeracy requirements).

At the Student Learning Conferences this week, take some time to talk with your mentor and look at what is needed to achieve in the coming months. Consider what preparation you can do before the parallel examinations so that if something unforeseen happens (like Covid or Covid isolation) and you miss them, you have a backup. Get a study plan underway now. It is also essential that you complete all assessment practice essays or tests that are required in class so that if there was a need to generate evidence to support you, your teacher and Head of Department would be able to locate that work.