Hero photograph
High/Low Ropes

12 Outdoor Ed and Multi-level Sport

Saskia Vink and Cait McLea-Mitchell (12OE) —

On 27 June the year 12 Outdoor Ed and Multi-level Sports Classes embarked on a journey to Invercargill for their low and high ropes camp.

This camp was intended to push our boundaries both as individuals and as a group. On our first day we focused mainly on low ropes gaining the basic trust from our peers needed for high ropes when we are 15 metres above the ground. One activity that challenged the groups whilst bonding them together was croc pit. In this activity the aim is to get the whole group across the water using the poles in the water and two planks of wood. You have to really think about the group's strengths and attributes, for example who can lift the planks or who is good with problem solving. 

That night we stayed at the top ten holiday park. To continue the bonding, we made dinner as a group. For dinner we had already decided to make mac’n’cheese and this was followed by a delicious dessert of apple crumble. On our second day it was time to really challenge ourselves and face the high ropes. For the majority of us, heights are really daunting, so this was probably the hardest part of the camp. Everyone went to the platform of the giant swing, and this was enough for some people to be pushed far beyond their comfort zone. Others managed to do the swing and enjoyed it thoroughly. The instructors were amazing and really helped put our minds at rest. 

The range of high ropes activities that were available to us were incredible; from the playpen where we worked together to go through a course, to a beam with giant staples that required a lot of flexibility and platforms suspended in the air where you had to jump to each one. When doing these activities we had to largely rely on and trust our groups so that if we were to fall/slip they would catch us. This camp has developed both classes immensely and have benefited from this camp.

Thank you to Mrs Clements and Mrs Matthews for taking us on the camp and keeping us safe and happy.