Hero photograph
Photo by Cheree Henderson

International Department

Mrs K Boomer, Dean of International students —

International Farewell
Monday 8 November we held our annual farewell to the Year 13 students who are finishing their studies at our school. The student who has been here the longest is Lindsay Hu who started in Term 3 of Year 9. All of these girls have not seen their families since January 2020 so they have had an extra layer to deal with. We are extremely proud of how well they have done, especially those who have taken the opportunities available to them and joined in a wide variety of activities. Hermione Hai, international prefect, gave a speech that gave an insight into what international students go through when they start a new life away from home in a new country, with a new language, and with a new educational system. 

The students farewelled were: Hermione Hai, Lindsay Hu, Well Chomchoei, Sol Kwon, Erina Yamaguchi, Joyce Wang, Dora Xue, Jessica Xue, Evelyn Wei, Chloe Zhang, Julia Ma, Linh Vu, and Baihe Jiang.

Former Refugee Farewell
This is the first time we have had a special farewell for our former refugee students who are completing their time at OGHS. Nagham Ghazzoul gave a speech on behalf of the Year 13 leavers and reflected on her journey through high school. There were some very proud mothers in attendance, and we are all extremely proud of how theses students have progressed during their time at our school. The students farewelled were: Nagham Ghazzoul, Nada Haroura, Wafaa Haroura, Rama Alsaayde, Aya Elyassin, Halima Al Naes, Racha Aljomaa, and Zeinab Azimi.