Mrs S Porter, Assistant Principal — Apr 7, 2021

Healthy relationships and managing stress are two workshops currently being delivered to our senior students.

The "Mates and Dates" programme has been offered to some Year 13 students this term and the remainder of the Year 13 students will be offered the programme next term. This programme's objectives are to teach young people about healthy relationship skills and behaviours and to help prevent sexual and dating violence. It teaches young people how to have relationships based on respect, negotiation, and consent. These are skills that they can carry with them throughout their lives. Research shows that working with young people is one of the most effective ways of keeping our communities safe. ACC has collaborated with the Ministry of Education and an expert advisory group to ensure the programme aligns with the New Zealand curriculum and is age appropriate at each year level. It is taught by specialist ACC-accredited facilitators from ŌCASA, over three, seventy-five-minute sessions. This programme is offered during I-Time/Study, so it does not affect any subject classes.

Youthline Facilitators have also been running stress management workshops for Year 11 students during I-Time/Study. They finished this week and all six classes had the opportunity to explore what causes them stress, how stress affects them and how they can manage their stress in constructive ways. Support services and how to access help were also topics that were discussed. Additional wellbeing workshops will be offered to other year levels as the year progresses.