Mr C. Richards, Assistant Principal — May 21, 2020

Students are dusting off their boots as winter sports prepares to resume next week. Whether you have been training together on Zoom, going for solitary runs or struggling to keep up with Body Combat on television, there is a winter sport waiting for you.

In preparation for beginning sport everyone needs to become familiar with new procedures.

Stage 1: Prepare

Preparation includes coaches and managers being familiar with the procedures such as contact tracing, sanitation of equipment, and personal hygiene. Coaches and managers should contact their players, who should be individually training or keeping fit. This will increase their fitness and reduce the chance of future injury. Training can only occur subject to approval by each sports’ association

Coaches and managers will be keeping a roll for attendance. The school already has a record of cell phone numbers and email addresses, so extra details are not necessary from students. Coaches and Managers should record themselves and any other assistants on the roll, and ensure a mobile number and email address is included.

When coming onto the school grounds, external coaches and managers should either ‘Check In’ using the school app, or sign the book in the school office. Below are links on how to download the app and use the COVID-19 Check In module. Preference is for visitors to use the app. We kindly ask parents to drop off and pick up students from outside the school grounds.

Please also find a link here to a video to show how to use the COVID-19 Check In module -

Please find the poster here with a link to downloading the app

Surfaces and equipment should be regularly cleaned and disinfected where practicable.

You must adhere to basic hygiene measures, including washing and drying hands before and after any activity, cough into elbow and don’t touch your face. Also exercise caution with common touch points (e.g. gates or doors) and wash or sanitize your hands after touching these surfaces. Entry and exit procedures to venues should be planned to minimize contact.

Stage 2: Train (Prepare to Play)

Training can only occur subject to approval by each sports’ association, beginning Monday 25 May. Implement the procedures and guidelines as outlined above in relation to contact tracing, personal hygiene and equipment cleaning. Stay home if you’re sick and do not take part if you have flu-like symptoms. If you have flu-like symptoms self-isolate at home and get tested immediately.

Training can only happen in groups of 10. This includes players, coaches, spectators and managers. Groups larger than 10 need to split into two smaller gathering groups. For example, a netball team could train at either end of the field or court and not mingle or physically interact with each other in any way. Gathering groups must be separated by at least 2 metres. If the gatherings are rotating between activities, care should be taken to clean any equipment or high-touch surface areas between uses by different groups.

Water bottles should not be shared under any circumstances. Please refrain from - high fives, huddles, shaking hands or milling around together once training/games are completed.

Parents and caregivers should not come into the sporting area, This assists us with limiting group size. Students should be picked up and dropped off outside the gym gate, school gate, or sporting facility. If a parent must come onto the school ground or facility, they must use the school app to record contact tracing.

Stage 3: Return to Play

Sporting Associations will advise when they are ready to commence play.

Continue to implement the procedures and guidelines as outlined above relation to contact tracing, personal hygiene and equipment cleaning. Consideration and communication in relation to the changes in costs and length of season should occur so that students are aware of fees and overall commitment.

Additional Information on Alert Level 2 for some sporting codes (to be updated as we get the information in)






Further general information on sport at Alert Level 2 can be found out