Mrs B. Davidson, Deputy Principal — May 21, 2020

Kia ora koutou

There have been a number of initiatives taken to support students while they merge back into school and resume their NCEA assessment. Most students showed good progress during their time in lockdown and are to be commended on their continued work and achievement during this time. This was an impressive effort under new and uncommon circumstances.

It is now time to spend a few weeks consolidating these efforts and taking stock. Students need to be very clear about what assessment they have coming up this term and for the rest of the year. When due dates are confirmed they need to be using diaries, phones and calendars to carefully record and remind them of these assessment due dates.

The NCEA examination period now takes place from 16th November to 9th December to give a little more time for preparation. Parallel examinations will still occur in the planned time frame of 9th to 16th September. This allows time for students to identify what they need to work on prior to the September holidays. The revised NCEA examination timetable

Parent Teacher Interviews will still be held this year and we will let you know the format of these shortly. Interim live reports will also be available for seniors in early June and for juniors again before the end of term.

We will keep you updated as other adjustments unfold. We know and understand that all students have experienced lock-down differently and faced all sorts of varying circumstances and challenges. We are here to support student success so please do not hesitate to contact us if you need anything at all. Phone, email and/or encourage students to approach their teachers and/or the pastoral team if they require support.

We trust you are all enjoying the increased freedoms of Alert Level 2 life.