Ms L. Miller, Principal — Jun 26, 2020

We are all on the countdown for the Term 2 holidays. There is no doubt that this has been a very challenging term for everyone and the fact that it has been two weeks longer than usual has really begun to show in terms of the levels of tiredness we are seeing among staff and students.

With only a week to go now until the end of the term, the end is in sight! It is important that students keep going and get work and assessments completed and out of the way so they can get their credits ‘in the bank’ and tasks ticked off. While it can be a temptation to seek extensions or to opt out of competing standards, this approach does not serve students well as it simply creates more pressure at a later date. Support your child to make decisions around their assessment load, that will serve them in the medium and long term, not just the present.

Thank you to the parents and caregivers who responded to the survey about the online interviews. There is another link in this newsletter for anyone who has not done so yet. The response has been very positive in regards to the convenience of this method of communication. A decision about the format of the senior parent teacher interviews will be made and publicised in next week’s Nautilus News.

Over the past two years much effort has gone into updating our school vision and deciding on our principles and the learner capabilities we seek to develop in our students. This has been pulled together into graphic form by Freya Pettigrew in Year 12 who has done a exceptional job of conveying complex ideas in a clear and concise way. We have named the resulting diagram the OGHS Malaga and an explanation of this is provided in this newsletter. The Malaga provides a representation of what it is we aim to achieve in the school and will become a feature of our school documentation and foundation to our planning and implementation of curriculum. Thank you to all who have contributed to its production. Staff, student, Board and community workshops and surveys to employers and tertiary providers have all helped inform this important framework.