Hero photograph
Photo by Cheree Henderson

Pānui Whānau Māori

Whaea Joe Hunter, Kaiārahi Ākonga Māori —

“Ko te reo tuatahi”

Ngā mihi o te wā ki a tātou katoa.

Within our school day, karakia are used to unite us as a collective, to focus on our intent for our learning activities.

They can be heard in meetings and lessons as part of our daily practice. Karakia are an important feature of our reo classes, where ākonga study their formulation, metaphor, purpose and underlying meaning.

Here is a simple one that our students enjoy using to support personal wellbeing. You may want to use it at home too.

For more information about karakia, we recommend this page, which has an explanation about karakia, and some examples that are frequently used at school. They have soundfiles to help with pronunciation.


Noho ora mai i runga i te pai, nāhaku, nā Whaea Joe