Mrs A. Crowe, Guidance counsellor — Feb 24, 2016

My name is Ada Crowe and I am the School Guidance Counsellor. I am a specialised education professional, being trained and registered as a teacher as well as trained as a counsellor with a Masters Degree in Guidance and Counselling from Massey University. I am a member of the New Zealand Association of Counsellors and have regular supervision. I am a mother and a grandmother with years of experience as a parent, grandparent, teacher and counsellor.

Since I started teaching and counselling there have been lots of changes in society and in the education system. I have been very fortunate in having had ongoing professional development over the years to keep me up to date with current issues and with training in the current counselling approaches.

About the service

As the school counsellor my main role is to assist students to deal with personal, family, social or behavioural issues that put their wellbeing, learning and school achievement at risk.

I am also available to parents and caregivers, and staff and can be contacted by phone 4719729 or by email

Students can e-mail me to make an appointment or use the slips on the wall outside of my office which is situated in the careers area along from the main office.

Parents and caregivers often find it useful to talk through issues on the phone and to use me as a resource person. I have a wide knowledge and experience of working with outside agencies and am able to make referrals to these. Part of my role is assisting financially challenged families with school related costs including school camps and sports fees.

Students access counselling for a wide range of issues including but not exclusive to:

School related issues-friendships, bullying, school work, stress, anxiety, not getting along with a teacher, not wanting to come to school/not enjoying school, study and exam skills, financial issues.

Family issues- family members not getting on, death or illness of a family member, parents separating, step parent issues, abuse-verbal, physical, sexual, parents out of work, addiction and mental health issues.

Personal issues-mood and depression, suicidal thinking and behaviour, self harm, eating issues, anxiety and stress, relationship issues, anger, grief, sexual identity issues, sexual health issues, body image.

No issue is too big or small or insignificant. If a student is worrying about something it is important they talk it through with someone. 

What happens in counselling?

Counselling provides a student with the opportunity to talk through any issues which may be causing them to be worried, sad, angry, upset or feeling down - things aren’t going along the way they would like. The student can talk through and explore their issue or concern in a safe place with someone who will support them and help them to work out what to do to help address their issue/concern.

Through using skills, knowledge and therapeutic approaches a counsellor assists students to:

*be listened to, in privacy and with confidentiality

*safely get through moments of crisis and manage ongoing risk

*externalise their issues and explore their impact

*find solution-focussed strategies to use

* learn key emotional competencies

*strengthen their sense of self, and self esteem

*build resilience

* source key information, other services and resources relevant to their situation

* be advocated for, as needed

* be encouraged motivated and empowered

What about confidentiality?

Confidentiality is an important aspect of counselling and means not telling others about what a student comes to see the counsellor about. This means not telling parents, teachers, or other students.

At times the counsellor may talk through how best to support a student and suggest getting others involved. However this will only happen with the student’s permission.

An exception to maintaining confidentiality happens when someone’s life is in danger. Then the counsellor has a responsibility to prevent harm. The counsellor would work through with the student what needs to happen to keep people safe.

Need to know more then….

Please feel free to contact Ada Crowe 4719729 or if you have any concerns or would like more information on the counselling service at OGHS.