Ms F. Speight, Social Sciences Department — Jun 27, 2018

Last week all Year 10 students participated in the overnight Noho Marae experience at Puketeraki Marae in Karitane.

We left early in the day travelling out via the Orokonui Ecosanctuary where we were welcomed and introduced to ideas about sustainability, restoration and kaitiakitaka (guardianship and conservation). The students were able to participate in various activities and see first hand the efforts that have gone into restoring this habitat. Many students particularly enjoyed engaging with the birdlife and learning about the various uses of different plants. Whilst assessing the biodiversity of one of the ponds some groups were even lucky enough to meet the resident eel!

In the early afternoon we began the culturally enriching experience of being formally welcomed onto Puketeraki Marae. For many students this was their first experience of being on a marae and for most girls their first overnight marae experience. Later in the afternoon we enjoyed a beach walk on our way to the Huriawa Pā site where Whaea Joe showed us around and shared stories about the previously impregnable fortress and the Kāi Tahu chief Te Wera. Then it was back to the marae for our evening meal after which we shared our mihi before further activities and then bed.

After a restful night’s sleep in the wharenui we woke, had breakfast and some groups were able to witness a beautiful sunrise over Karitane. The tutors arrived and we were once again immersed in learning about culture, values and customs, language and history, sustainability and economics from the perspective of Kāi Tahu. For many students the best part was experiencing the different arts and crafts workshops such as flax weaving or making musical instruments whilst for others it was the storytelling from a Kaumātua.

Overall this was a rewarding trip for all involved. Special thanks must go to all the tutors, teachers, and senior students who came and helped out as well as the people of Puketeraki Marae for making us feel so welcome. Thank you in particular too to Whaea Joe for all her hard work at the Marae as well as Mrs Wilson for all her supreme efforts in the kitchen.