Hero photograph
Photo by Cheree Henderson

9Ce Bio Poems

Ms L Taylor, English Teacher —

I am Margo

Is my life complex, confusing, and chaotic?

Is my life new, blossoming, and full of prospects?

Those are questions I am uncertain of the answers to, but there are some things I know for sure.

I know that I have viewed Never Have I Ever. Many times.

I know I am used to summers being in July

I know there has been a great change in my life. One including goodbyes and hellos.

I know I belong to generation Z, the silent generation.

I know I have watched as a wild coyote roamed the empty streets at night.

I know I have felt the chilling ocean and tasted its salty spindrift.

I know I have travelled and been given free ice cream for being adorable.

I know that I detest being jabbed with needles by doctors even though they are helping.

I know that I extremely love my Papa and Mama.

I know I used to love making fairy houses out of moss, sticks, and bark.

I know I dearly miss my friend Maayan who lives across the world.

I know that I aspire to compete in the Olympics for swimming.

I know that to the naked eye I look like a joker, but inside I am an empress.

I know that I am a caterpillar swiftly morphing into a majestic butterfly.

I am Margo.


Cheerful as an upbeat pop song.

Two hours of genuine happiness was The Perks of being a Wallflower.

The tinkling music of a piano, I once made fill my house.

Now released, a duck was once our pet.

2010, Generation Alpha.

Wild hammerhead sharks in the open ocean.

Fresh baked brownies, straight from the oven.

My day brightened when I discovered: Penguins use pebbles to propose.

Other countries floating on clouds was the thought of a younger me.

Interruptions turn good days bad,

Spoilers turn bad days worse,

Libraries make even the worst of days happy.

Getting out of bed I didn't used to mind.

I miss my lovely Aunt Isoli.

A pet ostrich will one day be my companion.

I'm that song in your head, the annoying one you can't get rid of.

I am an exploding chair, random and confusing.


The life of Jasmine Potter:

My life right now is exciting,

And Blueback my favourite movie is nail-biting.

I once did dance,

And I dream of going to France.

The years of my life are 13 so far,

And the orcas I saw had travelled afar

A Lot of things I love, but pizza is far above

When I was six I loved weet-bix

I miss my friends from my old school, but the ones I have made are pretty cool.

You would never believe it but we have better maps of Mars than of the sea floor!

And I detest it when people slam the door

I am a bright spark

So my life right now is exciting and my past has been delighting, and just so you know, I still have many places to go.